The protagonist is an ordinary salaryman who ends up living with two gal girls due to a twist of fate. The two sexually driven gals, Shiro Gal Miku and Kuro Gal Saki, compete for the protagonist’s attention.
Miku, the white gal, seeks to become the protagonist’s official girlfriend, while Saki, the black gal, desires the protagonist’s body as a means of rivalry with Miku.
What could have been a dream-like harem with young gals turns into an exhausting ordeal for the protagonist, as he finds himself at the mercy of their insatiable sexual desires.
He attempts to mediate between the two girls and restore peace to their daily lives, but his efforts prove futile, as he is subjected to further draining sexual escapades.
The manga consists of 81 pages (31 black and white pages, 49 colored pages, and 1 title page).
◆◆Including a Voice Comic of this Work!!◆◆
Miku Muta CV – Yukari Nemune nemurinerima
Saki Ichiki CV – Yuusa Mibuki yuusa1010
Voice Comic Editing – Yuka Yamada yamada4job
Assistant – Nayoro nayoro
Title Logo Production – Ninjin akaicarrot_dsg
This is an introduction to an erotic manga. Please create feedback using the following keywords:
Manufacturer: Crumbon
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